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Food Allergy

Food Allergy


IgE allergy testing (IgE allergy test):


Almond IgE

Cashew IgE

Cod IgE

Egg White IgE

Hazelnut IgE

Milk IgE

Peanut IgE

Salmon IgE

Scallop IgE

Sesame IgE

Shrimp IgE

Soybean IgE

Tuna IgE

Walnut IgE

Wheat IgE

Almond IgE

Cashew Nut IgE

Codfish IgE

Egg White IgE

Hazelnut IgE

Milk IgE milk

Peanut IgE

Salmon IgE

Scallop IgE scallop

Sesame Seed IgE

Shrimp IgE

Soybean IgE

Tuna IgE

Walnut IgE

Wheat IgE


This allergy panel includes IgE allergy testing for common allergens, covering 15 biomarkers including various nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, and sesame.

These tests are designed to detect whether the body has an IgE response to these allergens, helping doctors diagnose allergic symptoms and develop personalized treatment plans. However, it should be noted that these tests can only determine the presence of IgE response and not the severity or existence of allergic symptoms. Therefore, these tests should be combined with medical history and physical examinations to best determine the patient's allergy status. Additionally, this testing should be done under the guidance of a physician to avoid self-diagnosis and treatment.

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